AIP Save Food Packaging Design Project Survey for the Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre

As a core participant of the newly-established Fight Food Waste CRC the Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP), in conjunction with Save Food Packaging Consortium Partners, has been working on producing Save Food Packaging design criteria and communication material for the implementation into food packaging that will lead to better packaging design, material and format selection to assist retail, food service and consumers to minimise and prevent food waste.


The first stage of the AIP Project is to undertake an on-line survey to better understand what importance Save Food Packaging design plays in packaging development considerations.


Zipform Packaging, as one of the Project Contributors for the Save Food Packaging Consortium, would like to invite you to participate in the 'Stakeholder Review and On-line Survey of Product-Packaging Design Processes' component of the 'Save Food Packaging Design Criteria and Framework' research project within the Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre. We are interested in learning more about current product-packaging design and development processes; consideration of designing packaging to save food; barriers, gaps and opportunities.*Please refer to Plain Language Explanation. *Please read this sheet carefully and be confident that you understand its contents before deciding whether to participate. The outcomes of the project will be made public through the commissioned report, public briefing document, and a journal article, all completed for the Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre.


To commence the survey please use the below link. This survey will take approximately 5 minutes and your feedback is extremely important to the project. We would also ask that you please pass the survey on to all relevant stakeholders within your supply chain and invite them to participate.


Stakeholder Review and On-line Survey of Product-Packaging Design Processes
On-line Survey Link...

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